January 7, 2013

How to Choose a Personal Trainer

How is your week going so far? While I am sure you’re busy running around before the holidays with all the parties, shopping, and spending time with loved ones, I bet you are starting to think about ringing in the New Year as well. Have you decided on any resolutions yet?

A common New Year’s Resolution is getting to the gym more to workout. That is half the battle! But how do you make the most of your workout time at the gym?

There is no sense in wasting your valuable time if it isn’t going to help you lose weight, get toned, or just get healthy, is there? So, how do you make sure you are doing the exercises that will help you best reach your goals?

In order to get a customizable workout that takes into account your current health status and body shape, it is best to hire a personal trainer. They can run from $30+ per session, but most gyms offer a free session for just joining the gym. If you haven’t taken advantage of your free session yet, I highly recommend you start off the new year with a personal trainer.
Why would you want to work with a Personal Trainer?
  1. They can help you meet a goal such as lose weight, run a 5k, or get you in shape for sports.
  2. They can customize a workout for those with special health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, injuries, or women who are pregnant.
  3. They can help you determine your current fitness status and help you improve it!
How do you choose a Personal Trainer?
  1. Look for one with a Personal Training Certification from organizations such as ACSM, ACE, NASM, or NSCA.
  2. Choose one with the specialization for your current health condition (i.e. pregnancy, postpartum, injury, heart disease, etc.)
  3. Determine how many years of experience they have and any experience in your specific condition.
  4. Make sure they have liability insurance just in case something happens while you are on their watch.
  5. Determine the location you would like to work out at such as a gym, in-home, health center, weight loss clinic, etc.
  6. See if the Personal Trainer has a trial session to make sure your PT is a good fit and will best help you! Remember, it is all about you getting the help you need to reach your goals.
  7. A great Personal Trainer will devise a customizable workout plan, will help you evaluate your progress, gives you direct answers and in terminology you can understand, is a good teacher, is patient, and is someone who cares about helping you reach your goals.
The key is finding someone who fits well with you and your goals.

As you get ready for the New Year, decide on your resolutions and make sure they are doable. There is no sense in making resolutions that are too hard to reach. Make your goals short term and reachable.

For example, if you think you need to lose 50 pounds. Don’t make your goal ‘I will lose 50 pounds by March’. That is a big goal to reach and if you don’t reach it, you may become discouraged. Instead, make your goal I will lose 10 pounds in the next 6 weeks.

This goal is smaller and easier to achieve. Once you achieve this goal, you will be more motivated to stick with your program and keep working your way to those 50 pounds.

New Year’s Resolution Motivation Tip: Start with small goals!
Ready for that challenge?
Leave a comment below and let me know what your new year’s resolutions are this year.

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