December 12, 2012

How to Get an Energy Makeover!

What is up with this lack of energy us women find ourselves facing?

Amy is a 24 year old young woman who is just starting her career and has been working long hours. She has informed me that she cannot function in the morning without her coffee. Her morning routine always involves a visit to Starbucks before she heads into work.

As a nurse, I have found many of my coworkers relying on coffee to make it though our long shifts.
Courtney is another young woman who works a normal 9-5 job that struggles with enough energy to make it through the day. She is great waking up in the morning and is full of energy until lunch when the afternoon sluggish feeling takes over.

Lynette is a young mother of 2 girls under the age of 3 years old. She finds herself struggling with enough energy to make it through the day chasing after and entertaining her young girls at home while her husband is at work.
  • Do you find yourself relating to one of these situations?
  • Do you find yourself having trouble getting up in the morning without coffee?
  • Do you find yourself in that mid-afternoon drag?
  • Are you dragging yourself through the day just to do it all over again the next day?
You are not alone! Lack of energy is one of the most reported issues among both moms and working professional women.
File:A small cup of coffee.JPG

What is going on with our energy levels?

It does not matter what woman you talk to, it seems we are all feeling we can use more energy to get us through the day. Although we as women are blessed with the ability to multitask better than our male counterparts, it can become the source of our demise.

We are busy. We work all day to come home and cook dinner, take care of the kids, etc. Even if you do not have a family, you are still keeping a very full schedule. It is hard to make time in the day to recharge.

We are planning, planning, and doing more planning. Whether you have a family or are single, there are many things you must schedule and plan for. All of this can take up space in that wonderful brain of yours and create the stress that drains our overall energy levels.

So, what can we do to still get everything we need to get done, DONE without going crazy?

Make sure you get awesome nutrition.

This means you focus 90% of your daily calories on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains. To boost your energy, boost the nutritional content of your food. Make sure your diet focuses on getting more nutrients every day. There are no excuses to partaking in a less than stellar diet. Your life depends on as many nutrients as you can get! So, increase nutrient content of your food and lower the calories you take in during the day allowing your body to repair itself and boost your energy levels.

Stick with your workouts.

When you work out on a regular basis, you stimulate an increase in your neurotransmitter response which naturally boosts your energy. The general thinking would be that using the energy to work out, you have less energy to get you through the day. However, the opposite happens. Your workouts boost your brain power and your energy levels which means working out is more of energy boost than even coffee!

Turn off that TV and Facebook.

This is one that I struggle with; just ask my husband! When you spend more time on the tv or computer, it acts like a drain on your brain which makes you feel even more sluggish without the desire to engage in some exercise. So, spend less time on these activities and boost the health of your brain by spending time socializing, reading, or taking up some new hobbies. Enhance your brain; do not drain your brain!

Get outside Today.

The best way to get an energy boost is to get outside every day. Take in that fresh air and sunshine. There are thousands of studies that show the importance of vitamin D on your overall health and protecting your body against diseases. Just being outside is a great way to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate which will give you a great natural energy boost.

Stop worrying.

This is something that we women do very well. We worry A LOT! Whether we are always worrying about finances, friends, work, family, or the house, we always have something to worry about. You know what good worry does? NOTHING! It just takes up brain space and drains your energy. Lower your stress level by worrying about the things you really can’t do anything about and clear some room in that head of yours for more important thoughts.

Do you think these 5 tips will help you boost your energy level? What is your biggest energy drain you face? Let me know by leaving me a comment below!

December 7, 2012

How to Set Up Your Own Super-Smoothie Bar!

Vitamix_tnc_2As many of you know, I LOVE smoothies and I’m also pretty good at creating and making them (even if I do say so myself!), so this issue I thought I’d share with you my guide to creating a smoothie bar in your own home that’s good to go at any time of day and is quick and easy to use.

Why smoothies? Because they’re fast, quick, fun, delicious and they are great at any time of day and can often deliver a hefty dose of nutrition in a tasty and beautiful package!

My kitchen sees a lot of smoothie action, whether it be green smoothies for lunch or nut milk-based smoothies for supper… and I hope that with the help of this issue, yours will soon too!

Step 1: Tool Yourself Up. The only piece of equipment you need to make a great smoothie is, of course, a blender (but if you want to make nut milks using whole nuts you’ll want a nut milk bag too – more about that next issue.)

Now, as may or may not know, all blenders are not equal! Certainly you can get away with a High Street blender costing around $20-$30 for a fair amount of time if you treat it kindly, but if you’ve got the money and the passion then the best place you could invest your money for the long haul is without doubt in the very “hardcore” blender that is the Vita-Mix TNC (pictured). Yes, they are pricey (especially here in Europe), but they are soo worth it.

I am fortunate enough to own one myself and like many others who are also proud owners of these beautiful machines I really do think it’s one of the best investments in my health I have ever made. I use it every day and it’s my favourite piece of equipment in my entire kitchen.

All that said, if budget does not permit you to spend nigh on $400 on this particular piece of kit, then all is not lost, just spend the most you can on something that’s got good reviews on Amazon or similar and when you’ve got that part sorted, you’re ready to go!

Step 2: Gather Your Ingredients. Before you start let’s take a look at what you could have on hand to make your smoothies with.
* Fresh fruit (in a bowl and/or fridge)
* Fresh greens (in your fridge. e.g. spinach, watercress, lettuce, kale, chard etc.)
* Frozen fruit (in your freezer)
* Ice-cubes (in your freezer)
* Sweeteners (e.g. dates, agave nectar, maple syrup , honey, stevia etc.)
* Flavourings (e.g. mesquite meal, carob powder, cacao nibs/ powder, vanilla pods/ essence etc.)
* Superfoods (e.g. maca, bee pollen, green powders, hemp protein powder, etc.)
* Nuts and seeds and/or their butters (for nut milks)
* Cartons of coconut water/ milk
* Oils (not necessary, but some people like to use hemp, flax or coconut oil in their smoothies for EFAs)

Obviously fresh fruit, greens, nuts and seeds are easy to buy in the shops these days, as are some of the other more specialised foods. But for those ingredients that are new to you or that you can’t get hold of locally, the good news is that all of these ingredients are now easy to buy mail order wherever you are in the world. Yes, I will be biased and recommend that if you are in Europe you get them from The Fresh Network (!), but if you are overseas you can get all of these from a variety of online stores such as Nature’s First Law.

If most of these are new to you, then the ones I recommend you start off with are: dates for sweetening and agave nectar (light) if you want something new to try; vanilla pods or essence and/or mesquite powder for flavourings; bee pollen (for non-vegans) as an incredible superfood and coconut oil for fat if you’d like some.
Whatever you choose, make sure that you gather all your non-refrigerated ingredients into one place so that they are all together, which leads me nicely on to…

Step 3: Pick Your Spot. Whether you choose to make your smoothies at home or at the office, picking the right spot is key. Why? Because if it’s somewhere awkward to get to, or not near to the sink or a million miles from your fridge, ingredients or glasses, then you’ll feel much less inclined to actually use your smoothie bar! To give you a brief glimpse into my world, my blender is located with my sink to the left, my smoothie ingredients are to the right on a shelf above (you could have yours in a box or tray if you don’t have shelving in your kitchen) and my glasses are located up to the right in a cupboard next to the ingredients. And the fridge is just 2 steps away. Even though this all sounds like perfect common sense, it’s amazing how many of us make life difficult for ourselves and dot everything all over the place! By keeping these 5 things all close to hand, you will now officially have your “bar” in place and will be all set to get creative.

Step 4: Choose Your Recipes. Now that you have your blender, your ingredients and your actual “bar” all set up, what are you going to make? Well, this is where the past few eZines come in. So far I’ve published 4 different smoothies recipes in the past 5 issues, so they should get you started! Then of course there’s your Raw Bible – if you haven’t picked some smoothies recipes yet, now would be the ideal time to do so. Photocopy them (or print the eZine recipes off) and file them in those clear files you bought and you’ll be all set to go.

Step 5: Get Smoothie-ing! I generally recommend that if you are very new to smoothie making that you start very simply, as I did, with pure water, a couple of small bananas (or one big one) and one handful of fresh fruit of your choice. Strawberries work well, as do any berries, or peach, nectarine, pineapple or mango. All of these are good and very straightforward to buy and use. From there, when you have your confidence up and are ready to try new things, you can start to get a bit more experimental and add in other more unusual ingredients such as the powders and potions and even a little bit of oil if you’d like to (ideally no more than 2 teaspoons per pint). Personally I keep oils out, but then getting enough calories is not my concern as my needs are pretty low in that department! One step beyond that is to experiment with using nut or seed milks for a base instead of bananas, which is where your nut milk bag will come in. This is really easy to do, but I’ll keep the “How To” for another article which will follow next issue. Until then, I’ll be expecting you to set your smoothie bar up to perfection ready and eager to go for next week!

Do we have a deal?!

Karen Knowler
Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes “Successfully Raw” – a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere. If you’re ready to look good, feel great and create a raw life you love get your FREE tips, tools and recipes now at
Hope you enjoyed this awesome article by Karen! If you haven’t done so already, check out her blog that is loaded with tons of great information about going raw. Instead of using the Vita-mix, I prefer the BlendTec which I feel is like Vita-Mix’s automatic cousin. They are both awesome blenders, but BlendTec seems made for the 21st century! You can’t go wrong with either blender though!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Are you going to set up your kitchen for some awesome smoothies?
Leave a comment below…

November 7, 2012

Getting Started with a Green Clean Healthstyle in 7 Simple Steps

Through my experiences in studying and putting into practice healthier living techniques, I have found it more and more vital for you to incorporate more green living into your lives.

No, I am not passionate about saving energy by buying a different light bulb or turning off the lights after I leave a room (my husband is the one who usually goes behind me turning them off).

These may be important for saving energy and I am not here to discredit their validity, however, it does not find its way up on my “important to do list”.

What I have learned and am very passionate about is limiting the amount of toxic chemicals that our families are bombarded with on a daily basis from cleaning products, to shampoo, food, and even cosmetics.

By cutting down on the potential exposure your family has to these dangerous chemicals, you are taking one more step to creating a lifetime of health for your family.

Today I really want to talk to you about how you clean your home and really rethinking what you view as clean.

What makes up a truly green clean home?
  1. A truly clean home will have no ingredients that will harm your family
  2. A truly clean home will have no ingredients that will hang around in your home environment to harm your family.
Let me tell you a little secret: that lemon-y clean smell that is advertised as clean and what you come to expect in your clean home actually consists of dangerous chemicals that are hanging around in your environment.

These chemicals are breathed in by your family and can lead to so many issues such as breathing problems, asthma, allergies, and many others that are all due to toxic chemical exposure.

So how do you protect your family from these chemicals and make sure your home is truly green clean?
  • Research “what is green clean?” in order to understand that clean does not mean you have to use dangerous chemicals and smell it afterwards. Real clean is odorless. Remember how you felt the last time you were outdoors in the middle of nowhere or up in the mountains? Fresh and clean just feels light and airy not full of lemon chemicals.
  • Decide right now to protect the health of your family by switching to green clean. (Switching to green clean does not sacrifice ability to actually clean…those chemicals don’t make it any better to clean your home)
  • Start small by choosing one room in your house to green clean.
  • Throw away any toxic chemicals and cleaning products in this room. Those that have “danger” and “caution” warning labels really do mean they are toxic for your family.
  • Did you know cleaning manufacturers do not have to label all their ingredients that they use? They can easily be leaving out others you are not aware of that can be very hazardous to your health. Check out to see what is in your cleaning products.
  • Before throwing these products in the trash or dumping them down the sink which ends up leading back to our clean water, call your local sanitation department and dispose of them correctly.
  • Buy green cleaning products that will be better for your whole family and may even ease a lot of the already existing conditions. A good brand that you can find at most stores is 7th generation. Otherwise Shaklee products are great (
Take the next step and start taking your family’s home environment and health seriously by making sure your home is as green clean as possible. Become green clean and finally be able to breathe in fresh air and live in a very clean environment!

YOUR TURN! Let me know what you think of this article by leaving a comment below! Are you green clean? If not, what is holding you back? Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends and help them protect the health of their families by “sharing the love” below!

October 26, 2012

How to Eat a Simply Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast seems to be the most overlooked meal of the day. I grew up eating a breakfast of sugar-filled cereal in vitamin D milk and a PopTart.

My husband either went without breakfast or would have one of those combinations of heart stopping bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, etc.

My sister doesn’t eat breakfast at all.

More and more studies have shown the importance to not only health but to maintaining a healthy weight.

I like to illustrate the importance of breakfast to my clients by asking going through the following: when was the last time you ate? Usually dinner is around 7pm. How long until the next meal if you skip breakfast? That is probably around 16 or 17 hours without anything to eat! What is your body using for fuel? It needs something to keep going just like our cars!

Breakfast is a necessary part of giving your body the necessary energy to face the day!

So eat breakfast!

Now comes the tricky part: what do you eat for breakfast that is actually healthy?
A Pretty Pink Sprinkled Donut? NOPE!

The majority of all food that is advertized for breakfast is not healthy and contains loads of sugar, unhealthy fats, and cholesterol.

Here are my 9 favorite Healthy (& Vegan) breakfast ideas:
  • Green Fruit Smoothies
  • Nondairy Yogurt with sliced fresh fruit and topped with granola
  • Vegan French toast
  • Fruit spread (with no high fructose corn syrup) on whole wheat toast
  • Vegan muffins
  • Fresh fruit topped with finely chopped nuts (or nut butter)
  • Whole grain cereal with nondairy nut milk
  • Non-instant oatmeal with fruit
  • Green Fruit Juice
As you probably tell from this list is I tend to eat more fruit in the morning. I feel fruit is a great way to get energized for your day. To help you feel full longer, add nuts or seeds.
Now, I need your help! What is your high-nutrient breakfast favorite? Leave a comment below so I can add it to the list! :)

October 15, 2012

12 Quick Tips for How to Lose Weight Walking the Block

There are many women I come in contact with on a daily basis that are looking for a way to lose weight. With 70% of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, being obese (drastically higher than in the general population where 30% of women are obese), it is no wonder that weight loss is one of the largest concerns in women!
There is good news! One of the easiest and cheapest ways to get started on your weight loss goals is to start walking on a regular basis. Walking can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, increases energy levels, and makes you feel great!
Walking does not require any special equipment or a gym membership to get in a great workout. All you really need is a good pair of walking shoes and you can do this pretty much anywhere. It is especially great for those of you who travel so much!

Getting out there and walking the block in your own neighborhood for 30 minutes 4-5 times a week can make a huge difference in how you look and feel!
In order to give you the nuts and bolts of what you should know if you are going to kick off your weight loss program, I have put together a list of the 15 top tips for walking for weight loss.
Gear: First up, you will need comfortable, well-fitting shoes with great support. I encourage you to go to a sporting goods store and have them fit you with a pair of shoes that work well for your feet. Also, you will want light-colored & reflective clothing if you plan on walking in the evenings or at night. If you are only going to be walking during the day, bright or neon colors work great to make sure that traffic sees you.

Goals & Rewards: Before you even start your walking program, sit down and actually write out your goals. What do you plan to do this week and this month for walking? What is your reward if you meet these goals? Make sure your goals are small and achievable which will help you stay motivated as time goes on. Make sure your reward is something that you really want like that high-speed blender.

Music: Create a fun playlist that you can listen to on your phone, iPod, etc. while you are walking. If you would prefer to listen to a book on tape, make sure you have a few to choose from and have them loaded onto your player.

Weights: Buying hand weights that are 3 pounds or less is optional but it is a great way to increase the intensity of your workout a little more!

ID & Water bottle: Never go walking without your ID in case something happens along the way. A water bottle is a necessity if you are going to be walking to replace the water loss during exercise. Get a great water bottle that is fun and BPA-free.

Against the traffic: When you are walking along roads, a good rule of thumb is to go against the traffic. Walk on the left side of the road/sidewalk. This allows you to see drivers and for them to better see you.

Hills/Terrain: Another way you can increase the workout intensity is to change up the route. Add a few hills or a different type of terrain. In the desert, there are roads, gravel, sand, or even hiking up the mountains we have. It all makes your muscles work a little differently and are great ways to change things up.

Fast: Don’t just stroll along on your workout walk. You will not get much out of a slow walk. Pick up the pace and go as fast as you can handle. As your body gets better and better with dealing with regular workouts, you can pick up the pace or add a little more distance

Heart monitor & pedometer: These help you know if you are actually getting a good workout. You can see if your heart rate is just a little elevated that you are walking at a good pace. If you wear a pedometer, you can make sure you get at least 1,000 steps per day which is a great motivating tool in getting up more active on a daily basis.

Buddy: Find a walking buddy. It is easier to get yourself motivated when you are going walking with a friend. For example, I would never go hiking by myself, but a group of us women from work plan at least once or twice a week to meet at a trail for our hiking adventure. When you have a friend or group of friends to go with, it is more fun and you are more likely to stick with it!

Charity walk: There seem to always be charity walk/runs going on. See about signing up for one to walk in. This is a great motivator to improve your fitness level so you are ready for the event and a great way to support a charity of your choosing.

Cool down/stretching: Every workout, including walking, needs a cool down. This can be 3-5 minutes long and can consist of your walking at your beloved stroll pace and some stretching. This is very important because it is what helps bring your body back to its normal state and will help prevent injuries.

Don’t forget that while walking can be a big part of your weight loss program, you still should have fun!

Make walking fun and do what you enjoy. I prefer to choose places to go hike that have lots of interesting things in nature to see. Figure out what works for you that will help you enjoy your time of getting healthy
Name the easiest tip from the top 12 that you could add to your weight loss program. Leave your answer in a comment below.

October 10, 2012

15 Ways to De-Stress your Nest for a Happy, Healthy Home

Creating a comfortable and inviting home can have a large impact in your overall health. If you do create this environment, you can encourage healthier behaviors. You may be surprised how easy it is for you to focus on matters that are important to your health and your family when your home is uncluttered and appealing.

Your home is where is all comes together!

Now ladies, don’t misinterpret what I am trying to say here. I am not saying that your home must be clean, orderly, and look like it came out of a designer magazine. The key to a healthy home environment centers on making your home a place you can relax, rejuvenate, and recharge so you can better deal with the world around you.

Take a look around your home and ask yourself how you feel when you are in that space. Does it make you feel stressed or does it help you feel comfortable and relax? Your home does not have to be perfect. It just must be a place that feels inviting and warm to you!

When your home feels warm and inviting to you, you can spend your time focusing on your health. A healthy home can help encourage and promote healthy behaviors in other areas of your life.


Here is a list of my top 15 favorite small changes you can make to your home today to make it a haven for you and your family and promote health and de-stressing for your whole family.
  1. Create your relaxation zone. Make one place in your home a comfortable place you can escape to in order to relax. This can be a simple chair and lamp in the corner of your bedroom that makes you feel comfortable and stress free.
  2. De-clutter your home room by room. When you have less clutter around the home, you are able to think more clearly and feel more comfortable and relaxed. Take it one room at a time and clear the extra clutter.
  3. Bring fresh flowers inside to help brighten the mood and atmosphere. There is nothing more relaxing than dealing with nature and beautiful flowers.
  4. Create an organization station for papers. Do you find a counter in your kitchen seems to be the catch all for papers? Create and area or a wall station where you can organize everything and take away the stress from seeing a mess of papers in the kitchen.
  5. Hang a large family calendar next to the organization station so that you can easily keep track of your family’s activities. This creates less stress in home trying to remember what exactly you had going on tonight.
  6. Set out big bowls of fruit and vegetables in your kitchen for décor. This creates a great smell in your home and promotes healthy eating from the whole family.
  7. Make sure you have plenty of natural light coming into your home. Get rid of heavy and dark drapes. Natural light will lift your mood and promote relaxation.
  8. Turn off the TV and facebook. Start working on a hobby of yours.
  9. Choose natural paint colors for a more relaxing atmosphere. Bold colors can promote stress.
  10. Laugh often.
  11. Get social. Go out and have fun with friends. Research has shown that people who spend more time being social are happier and have less stress.
  12. Create a family game night. In our world today, families are so busy they hardly even get to eat together any more. Mark off one day on your calendar and label it family game night. Spend time together as a family playing board games or whatever games are interesting to you. This will help your family be happier and closer overall.
  13. In addition to game night, make sure your family sits down and eats together as a  family, old fashioned style. This will help build stronger family relationships and give the parents and kids time to
    talk about what is going on in their world and what they may be struggling with.
  14. Put the computer in the office and limit time spent mindlessly on it. It is more important for your comfortable, inviting, and healthy home that you spend less time on the computer and more time as a family or working on hobbies you enjoy.
  15. Last but not least, make your bathroom into an oasis. There is not better place to relax than in the bathroom. Make it inviting and a great place for you to de-stress.
By focusing on creating a home that is comfortable and inviting, you are setting it up to promote healthy behaviors and create a happy and healthy family.

Do you have some healthy home tips you would like to add? Leave me a comment below and let me know: what is your favorite way to create a comfortable home?

September 25, 2012

Ask Amber: Can I exercise during Pregnancy?

File:Expecting mother.jpgFor today’s post I am going to my “mailbag” and answering a question from one of my readers! The question for today is all about exercising during pregnancy!

My mother and aunt told me to stop exercising now that I am pregnant because pregnant women are supposed to take it easy and shouldn’t exercise, but my doctor recommended that I keep active. So, is it okay to exercise during pregnancy?
~ Melanie C, Michigan.

Amber’s Answer:
This is a very common question that I get. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, doctors told pregnant women they should walk no more than 1 mile per day and to rest for the duration of the pregnancy. I think I would go crazy being expected to sit around all day for 9 months! Doctors at that time were concerned that exercise caused birth defects and miscarriages but research has since contradicted this. Since the 1960s there has been hundreds of research studies conducted that have shown the many benefits exercise has for the pregnant woman. Thankfully we are no longer expected to lie in bed for 9 months and are able to still engage in many of the activities that we could do pre-pregnancy.

There numerous benefits of exercising during pregnancy include:
  • Decrease in pain during contractions
  • Decrease in pregnancy discomfort
  • 75% less chance of C-Section due to complications
  • 35% less need for pain medications during labor
  • 55% less need for pitocin
  • 75% less chance of maternal exhaustion during labor
  • Decrease time in labor
  • Decrease mom’s risk of complications
  • Improve sleep
  • Improve energy level
  • Decrease stress
  • Decrease risk of postpartum depression
  • Increase healthy baby development during pregnancy
  • Improve nutrient delivery and removal of toxins to and from baby
  • Improve post pregnancy recovery
  • And many more! 
I have to issue a word of caution. It is still crucial to get clearance from your doctor or midwife before exercising to make sure your pregnancy is healthy enough for exercise.

When you do get the “all clear” from your doctor or midwife, be sure to exercise in a well ventilated room and to stay hydrated. A good rule of thumb is to drink a cup (8oz) of water for every 15 minutes of exercise. Oh, it might be smart to workout in a gym, your home, or in a park where you are always close to a bathroom.

There are so many great benefits of exercise during pregnancy that you are probably ready to just get out there and get moving! These benefits are great motivating factors; that’s for sure! However, it is very important that you don’t exercise during pregnancy and talk to your doctor or midwife if you have any of the following conditions:
  • Ruptured membranes
  • Premature labor
  • Persisitent bleeding after 12 weeks
  • Poor fetal growth
  • Multiple-birth pregnancy
  • A history of 3 or more miscarriages
  • A history of preterm labor
  • Dilated cervix
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension

Finally, when you do start exercising while you are pregnant, you must watch for these danger signs and seek your healthcare provider if any of these develop:

  • Pain
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Overheating
  • Dehydration
  • Contractions
  • Dizziness
  • Dyspnea
  • Headache
  • Increase in leg swelling
  • Muscle weakness
  • Vaginal bleeding/leaking of amniotic fluid
  • You can’t feel your baby moving

In summary, you can exercise during pregnancy and there are a ton of benefits to exercising during this special time. However, it is more important than ever to have the permission of your doctor or midwife and that you listen to your body and stop exercising if you experience any discomforts. Enjoy the special time of your pregnancy!

Next Steps:
  • Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think about these benefits, if you are going to exercise during pregnancy, and what type of exercising you will be doing during pregnancy.
  • Share this post with your girlfriends JGet Clearance from your doctor or midwife to exercise and start working with a personal trainer who is certified in pre/postnatal exercise.
  • Enjoy your healthy and fit pregnancy!

September 20, 2012

How to Get Started with Juicing!

A few weeks ago, I brought you an awesome article from Karen Knowler, the Raw Food Coach, How to Set up Your Own Smoothie Bar. As a follow up to her smoothie article, I am bringing you “How to Start Juicing at Home” so you can learn how easy and tasty juicing can be!

So why JUICING? They are quick and delicious, and deliver an instant blast of sustainable energy. I like to think of it as high-dose nutrition in a glass!

Home-made fresh juice is lacking the yucky preservatives and additives and the nutrients are easily assimilated in your body! This helps your body absorb more of the good stuff which will give you tons of energy!
Fruit and veggie juices are cleansing, have tons of antioxidants, natural sugars, and chlorophyll that will get you on the road to looking and feeling amazing!
What I have noticed the most is that I no longer have the acne breakouts (having those in your late 20s is embarrassing enough!), my complexion looks awesome, and I have more energy! The past few weeks my co-faculty members have all been affected by colds and the nasty flu. The only problem with me being healthy despite their cold/flu is that I have had to be at work every day!

Start juicing and let me know how you feel!

Step 1: Tool Time.
You don’t need a lot of equipment to start juicing. All you need is a juicer. There are a bunch of different juicers out there on the market and can range in price from around $30 to $500 or more! You can get away with spending what you can on a juicer that gets great reviews on

If you are looking for a solid juicer that can do many different functions besides just juice, minimizes foam on top of your juice, and minimizes nutrients lost, I recommend…

Last spring I bought an Omega 8006 after reading tons of reviews and health information about juicers. I absolutely love it! It maintains all the awesome nutrients and enzymes and does not have as much of that gross pulp left on the top of the glass.

It is pricey, but it is one of the best investments you can make for your health. I have made it part of my healthy living toolbox.

Some more helpful kitchen tools that are not required but are worth investing in, is a good cutting board that you will only use for fresh produce, a quality chef’s knife, and a fun juice glass! J

Step 2: What to Juice?

The main things that you can juice are fruits and vegetables.
I find juicing a combination of various fruits gives you a great burst of energy. Juicing a combination of fruits and vegetables makes you feel more nourished as well as energized. Vegetable Juices are more detoxing and nourishing.
All I can say to this is to experiment with various combinations!

Step 3: Set up your Juicing Station.
Find a place in your kitchen that you can designate as your juicing station. Make it convenient to the refrigerator and kitchen sink to make it easier to grab and wash your produce. The key is to not make it difficult to set up your equipment, gather your ingredients, and juice because you will be less likely to ever juice if it is a pain to even get started! Make life simple: keep supplies close!

Step 4: How to Juice!
  1. Set up all your supplies! Pull out your juicer, the fruits/veggies you are going to juice, and your juice glass (fancy & fun to drink your awesome juice in)!
  2. Be sure to wash all your fruits and vegetables. I use the fit wash that can be found at most grocery stores.
  3. Chop and pit and any other preparation that needs to happen to make the fruits and vegetables easier to put through the juicer.
  4. In no particular order, feed your produce into the juicer!
  5. Pour into your fancy and fun juice glass!
  6. Enjoy! Share with family and friends!

Ready for 3 refreshing and tasty juice recipes to get you started? Check out my juice recipe post by clicking here!

Before I wrote this blog post, I had a few readers ask about what I thought about juicing and what type of juicer I recommend.  So, for those readers who were wondering what type of juicer I recommend…

The Omega 8006 and I highly encourage you to make the investment if you are serious about getting healthy!

So, Get out there and start juicing!
Leave me a comment below because I want to know: Do you have any questions about getting started juicing? If you have started, what benefits have you noticed and what is your favorite recipe for juicing?

September 14, 2012

The Top 7 Easiest Ways to De-Stress your Home

Our lives are busy. We rush around day in and day out. From full-time jobs to raising kids to all those extra activities going on, it is no wonder we are so stressed out! It seems there are always things that need to get done, bills that need to be paid, and those extra responsibilities at work that must get completed by the deadline.

What else is causing stress in your life?

Did you know stress can negatively impact your health? It can lower your immune system which can set you up for catching more colds and the flu. Chronic stress can even increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, ulcers, alcohol dependency, and depression.

It is so important that we make sure to take time to relax and rejuvenate to maintain an optimal level of health.

I don’t know about you guys but I love HGTV! There are so many great ideas on there about awesome rooms for our homes that promote relaxation and healthy living. But, it wasn’t until recently that I realized how important having a home that allows you to get away from your hectic lives is! So, this post is a little different from my usual health posts but I love talking about homes as much as health so Im combining the best of both worlds today!

Today I was looking around my home and thinking how the home can be just as stressful as a job. So, I decided to put together a short list of a few things that can help you de-stress your home and create a place where you can relax.

The 7 Easy Ways to De-Stress your Home
  1. Use calming colors throughout your home. Calming colors such as blue, green, and beige can offer a more calming effect on your life. According to psychologists, when bright and intense colors are present throughout your home, it can change your mood pretty quickly to such a mood as anger and can actually quicken your pulse and raise your blood pressure.
  2. De-clutter your home. When you have tons of “stuff” all of the place, even if the room is “clean”, it can actually create more stress in your life. Make your most common living spaces free of extra clutter and save the extra little things for other rooms in your home.
  3. Add lots of houseplants to your living space. Houseplants are great ways to bring the outdoors in. By using more of nature colors and by incorporating more of the outdoors, you are creating a naturally calming atmosphere. There is just something about nature that is calming. Don’t you agree?
  4. Create your happy and relaxing zone in your house. Whether you designate a chair in the corner, or a lounge outside, make sure you have your place you can go to relax at home. This way when things get hectic you have your escape to rejuvenate!
  5. Make your bed every day. I didn’t realize how this can actually make you feel great just by simply spending the extra 3 minutes a day making your bed. When things look put together especially in your bedroom, you don’t have to worry about it and can more effectively deal with everything else going on in your life.
  6. Create a “catch all” place in your home. Designate a place in your home, whether in the kitchen, entryway, office, or wherever that you put a cubby or holder that can catch all the mail, your kids homework, or all those extra papers. This will help keep the rest of the house cleaner and allow your family to be more organized and on top of things that need to be taken care of.
  7. Clean your sink before you go to bed at night. I know this sounds funny, but it really makes a difference. My husband’s aunt actually told me this one and it really works! As the woman of the house, the kitchen can easily be put on the back burner for all the time we spend in there cooking, cleaning dishes, etc and create a source of stress for us. There are so many other things to worry about that cleaning the sink with Windex at night makes sure the sink is clean and shines. You can then go to bed relaxed and be ready to start the day again in the morning.
By incorporating these 7 Simple Steps into your daily lives, you might be surprised how many little things in your home are creating more stress that YOU DO NOT NEED! All it takes is maybe an extra 5 minutes a day to have a home that can help you relax, rejuvenate, and get AWAY from stress causing agents.

What more can you accomplish in your life without the stress and health conditions that go along with too much stress? Try it out!

Let me know what you think about the above strategies and how you can de-stress your life by leaving a comment for me below! Don’t forget to share the love by sharing this post with your friends!

September 13, 2012

The No Workout Solution: Get Sporty!

In the longevity hotspots around the world, people stay healthy and fit just through the daily work they must do.
I don’t know about you, but my work puts me behind the desk most of the day.

Since I started doing this, I can definitely see how people can gain weight so easily in our culture if they don’t try to be active when they are not working!

I also have stayed active and fit by getting a little SPORTY!

We all have heard we need to be active on a regular basis at least a thousand times. I am not here to drill you into shape like on the biggest loser, because who likes working out? NOT ME!
The key to getting healthy and fit is to find an activity you enjoy that will get you up and moving!
Growing up in the US, thousands of kids participate in sports. I played basketball and softball through high school. There are a lot of professional sports out there with tons of fans too! So with so much put into sports, how come the obesity rate is steadily climbing each year?

I believe this has a lot to do with so many of us adults, when we get out into the work force, get busy and quit playing those sports of our youth and instead, become mainly fans to our kids and also to professional athletes. Where does this lead us? It leads us to a more sedentary lifestyle and the continual weight gain as we age.

We do get busy in this culture and when we think about losing weight or getting fit, we think we must workout Jillian Michaels style! Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed a few of her workout videos, but true and lasting exercise comes with activities we actually enjoy.
This does not have to come from slaving away in the gym or running forever when we hate doing these activities.
We need to get back to the sports philosophy to leading an active lifestyle by following the example not just the healthy people from those longevity hotspots, but also from our own kids!
Did you participate in any activities that made you exercise when you were younger? What are some activities that you enjoy?

I have come up with 7 different sports that you can participate in at any age! Adults don’t need to give up the FUN EXERCISE! The following are adult tested and the kid in you approved!

1. Tennis: this is a great full body workout that incorporates aerobic exercise with strength building movements for legs, arms, and abs!

2. Hiking: recently my hubby and I started hiking up some of the “mountains” here in the desert that are really rocky and is hard going. We have yet to make it to the top, but we will get there! Nothing motivates more than having a goal! All I can say about hiking is the next day my legs, abs, and glutes hurt!

3. Rock Climbing: this is a great arm and leg strengthening sport!

4. Dancing: there is a reason dancers have nice toned bodies! Dancing is a great aerobic exercise that works the entire body!

5. Swimming: this sport also works both arms and legs and is great for people who have painful joints because it isn’t weight-bearing!

6. Kayaking: my new favorite activity! You will definitely feel the ‘burn’ if you are new to using these muscles. Your arms and abs will get toned in no time!

7. Bowling: bowling? Yes! Bowling is great full body workout if you are not messing around the whole time. Stay focused but enjoy yourself and you will notice some soreness in your arms, shoulders, glutes and abs!

Question of the day:
Do you have a favorite activity that you used to participate in that you truly enjoyed? Out of the list above, what do you think you would enjoy doing to keep you active and fit? Leave your answer below as a comment…

September 12, 2012

How to De-Stress from your Crazy Busy Life in 7 Simple Steps!

I recently had a client come to me in tears about how stressed out she was. Her husband recently got transferred across country so they moved with their 3 kids.

They bought a house, she started a new job, the kids started in their new schools this fall, and they were still paying the mortgage on their home back east. She was extremely stressed out between helping her family adjust to the move, all the boxes to unpack, meals to cook, having to meet new friends, and starting in on her full-time job.

She was truly exhausted and didn’t know who to turn to in order to get the support and encouragement to get things done that needed to be done. She was ready to give up and fall back into her quiet shell just going through the motions.

File:Asilomar State Beach (Breaking wave) 01.jpgNot all of us have recently moved or understand the stress this woman faced at this season in her life, but we all have the on-going stresses of life. We may have a family, work, school, etc that seem to pull us in all different directions.

Our kids could have tons of extra-curricular activities that seem to never end and pull us from one to another without time to take a breath. Some may even have the stress of starting a home-based business in addition all the other stress that life brings for us.

What has helped you deal with the different stresses in life effectively? What could you have helped this woman with in order to help her de-stress?

Today I have for all of us crazy people who think we can do it all for everyone on a daily basis, a list of the top 7 tips I have learned that help people de-stress and gain control of their hectic lives.
  1. Be positive. Your life is stressful, but learn to think on the bright side of things. It will help give you the motivation and little extra push to get things done that need to be accomplished in your life. You can do it!
  2. Get organized. How in the world will you feel like you are actually getting anything done when you don’t know what needs to be done? Get a calendar, a mail organizer, bill organizer, and keep track of your life! No more running around like a chicken without the head! Know what needs to get done and get it done!
  3. Prioritize. So you have a list that could stretch from California to Texas; go through and prioritize the list so you can focus on what is most important to complete right now. This will allow you not to waste precious time right now on something that you don’t have to worry about until next week. Work on what needs to be done now.
  4. Learn to say no. You aren’t superman or superwoman! You can not do it all. As a wife of a soon-to-be pastor, I should listen to this one the most! What do you need to do, what do you want to do, and what can you say no to?
  5. Love your job. Go into work with a clear head and the positive motivation of what you love about your job. You have to have something you love about it even if it is just getting paid and having benefits. If you are truly not satisfied, find something else. I found my passion and success in the home-based business industry. Where is yours?
  6. Take time for yourself. You can’t keep go-go-going without time to at least take a break and relax. If you do not take time for yourself, you are not as valuable to others. By taking this break, you will be refreshed and ready to handle those around you.
  7. De-clutter your life. When you have tons of clutter both at home and in your calendar, you will feel so “all over the place”. This goes with being clean and organized in all aspects of your life so you can better deal with what is thrown at you! Without clutter, there is less to think and worry about! How simple can you get in your life?
With these 7 steps, we can better take control of our lives and revitalize ourselves so we can be more productive and present for those around us who rely on us.

Take a moment know to really think about what small change you can make in your life right now to help it run more smoothly or less stressful? Is there someone you know who could use a little support and encouragement to take a little time for themselves? Leave me a comment below!

For me it is all about taking a moment to relax, take a deep breath, and picturing how peaceful listening to the ocean is (hence the picture above which is a de-stressor for me)!

Don’t forget to share the love by sharing this post with your friends. Who is struggling right now and could use a few words that can make all t he difference in their lives?

14 Tips for a Healthy and Eco-Friendly Bedroom

In recent years, making sure your family is as healthy and eco-friendly as possible has become very popular. A few years ago I really had no desire to be eco-friendly and really didn’t know of ways to be healthy besides exercising and having healthier eating habits.
The more I have studied up on these subjects, the more I find out how clueless I was! It can get kind of scary when you learn about all the dangers of the environment right in your own home.

Now that my husband and I are in our first home and I have started envisioning how I am going to decorate and furnish this home, I have decided to share with you ways to clean up your environment and maybe become a little eco-friendly starting with the bedroom!

organic cotton

Here are the top 14 tips I have found through my research that will help you create a true bedroom oasis:
  1. Refurbish antique furniture or buy furniture that is made with renewable materials. Do not buy furniture that is made of particleboard or composite wood due to the glue and chemicals used. These chemicals include formaldehyde which is a known carcinogen and some studies have linked it to the development of allergies and asthma.  This also applies to upholstered furniture due to the flame retardant that is used that emits formaldehyde vapors.
  2. Choose bare floors with rugs made of natural fibers to help decrease the amount of allergens present in your house.
  3. When it comes to choosing curtains, choose natural fabrics such as organic cotton, canvas, linen, or hemp to cut down on allergens and harsh chemicals. Curtains are great dust collectors so make sure to buy washable fabrics.
  4. When buying blankets to keep warm during the long winters, choose natural linens such as wool, organic cotton, linen, or hemp. Do not dry clean blankets because some of the chemicals that are used have been linked to various cancers. If you do choose to use an electric blanket, warm up your bed before you climb in and then turn the blanket off. Electric blankets create an electromagnetic field as you sleep.
  5. Choose fabrics such as organic cotton, wool, buckwheat, or natural latex when you buy pillows. Regular pillows are often made of foam which can contain flame retardants.
  6. Sheets should be 100% organic cotton and not contain any dyes. Make sure it isn’t treated with formaldehyde or any other chemicals. Do not buy permanent press sheets because it contains formaldehyde of which vapors you will inhale when you sleep. Remember, your skin is your largest organ in your body and will absorb anything that comes in contact with it. Be careful what dyes and types of fabric you want touching your skin!
  7. Did you realize that you should pay attention to what type of mattress you are sleeping on? You should choose a mattress made of organic materials. It is quite common for mattresses to contain flame retardants which are carcinogenic, reproductive toxicants, and endocrine disruptors. It has the flame retardant because of the foam which is made of petroleum-based products which are flammable. Wool is a natural fire retardant that is great for mattresses or even mattresses that are cotton filled. Savvy Rest is a great choice for organic mattresses that are made of latex.
  8. Choose organic cotton mattress pads which will cut down on dust mites.
  9. Choose air filtering plants. Visit NASA website for more information on best plants to choose.
  10. Change your air filter on a regular basis to decrease allergens and purify the air.
  11. Keep windows open for better air quality. Cross ventilation is a plus. Outdoor air is typically cleaner due to all the chemicals and dust that are found in furniture, fabrics, and other products in your home. Choose an air purifier or vacuum with a HEPA filter.
  12. Choose low/no-VOC paint for walls, furniture, and ceiling to cut down on chemical pollutants in your home.
  13. Wash your bedding each week with fragrance free detergent to decrease mold, mildew, and dust mite accumulation.
  14. Choose a stylish ceiling fan to help circulate the air in your home which will help with cross ventilation when you have your windows open. Choose one made of renewable natural materials. You will also save on your electricity bill!
Do you have any thoughts or more tips to add? Leave me a comment below!

Today’s question:

What is one way you can improve the health of your bedroom starting today?