December 12, 2012

How to Get an Energy Makeover!

What is up with this lack of energy us women find ourselves facing?

Amy is a 24 year old young woman who is just starting her career and has been working long hours. She has informed me that she cannot function in the morning without her coffee. Her morning routine always involves a visit to Starbucks before she heads into work.

As a nurse, I have found many of my coworkers relying on coffee to make it though our long shifts.
Courtney is another young woman who works a normal 9-5 job that struggles with enough energy to make it through the day. She is great waking up in the morning and is full of energy until lunch when the afternoon sluggish feeling takes over.

Lynette is a young mother of 2 girls under the age of 3 years old. She finds herself struggling with enough energy to make it through the day chasing after and entertaining her young girls at home while her husband is at work.
  • Do you find yourself relating to one of these situations?
  • Do you find yourself having trouble getting up in the morning without coffee?
  • Do you find yourself in that mid-afternoon drag?
  • Are you dragging yourself through the day just to do it all over again the next day?
You are not alone! Lack of energy is one of the most reported issues among both moms and working professional women.
File:A small cup of coffee.JPG

What is going on with our energy levels?

It does not matter what woman you talk to, it seems we are all feeling we can use more energy to get us through the day. Although we as women are blessed with the ability to multitask better than our male counterparts, it can become the source of our demise.

We are busy. We work all day to come home and cook dinner, take care of the kids, etc. Even if you do not have a family, you are still keeping a very full schedule. It is hard to make time in the day to recharge.

We are planning, planning, and doing more planning. Whether you have a family or are single, there are many things you must schedule and plan for. All of this can take up space in that wonderful brain of yours and create the stress that drains our overall energy levels.

So, what can we do to still get everything we need to get done, DONE without going crazy?

Make sure you get awesome nutrition.

This means you focus 90% of your daily calories on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains. To boost your energy, boost the nutritional content of your food. Make sure your diet focuses on getting more nutrients every day. There are no excuses to partaking in a less than stellar diet. Your life depends on as many nutrients as you can get! So, increase nutrient content of your food and lower the calories you take in during the day allowing your body to repair itself and boost your energy levels.

Stick with your workouts.

When you work out on a regular basis, you stimulate an increase in your neurotransmitter response which naturally boosts your energy. The general thinking would be that using the energy to work out, you have less energy to get you through the day. However, the opposite happens. Your workouts boost your brain power and your energy levels which means working out is more of energy boost than even coffee!

Turn off that TV and Facebook.

This is one that I struggle with; just ask my husband! When you spend more time on the tv or computer, it acts like a drain on your brain which makes you feel even more sluggish without the desire to engage in some exercise. So, spend less time on these activities and boost the health of your brain by spending time socializing, reading, or taking up some new hobbies. Enhance your brain; do not drain your brain!

Get outside Today.

The best way to get an energy boost is to get outside every day. Take in that fresh air and sunshine. There are thousands of studies that show the importance of vitamin D on your overall health and protecting your body against diseases. Just being outside is a great way to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate which will give you a great natural energy boost.

Stop worrying.

This is something that we women do very well. We worry A LOT! Whether we are always worrying about finances, friends, work, family, or the house, we always have something to worry about. You know what good worry does? NOTHING! It just takes up brain space and drains your energy. Lower your stress level by worrying about the things you really can’t do anything about and clear some room in that head of yours for more important thoughts.

Do you think these 5 tips will help you boost your energy level? What is your biggest energy drain you face? Let me know by leaving me a comment below!

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